Mandragora Tango Live 2007

Mandrágora has taken some of the best tracks that we’ve recorded this spring and put together a little freebie album for you to enjoy.

These are all live tracks recorded in April and May 2007 with Scott Mateo on guitar, Bob Barnes on bandoneón, Christian Zamora on violin and Rahn Yanes on bass.

We’re planing on our next CD release to be much more studio-oriented and to feature more original, danceable alt-tangos. So we’ve taken 13 of our best traditional tangos, milongas and vals and made a little album to give away. 7 of these tracks have videos that you can view on YouTube.

This is just like a real album, except that it’s shorter and free. You can download all of Mandrágora Tango Live 2007 as a Zip file or as a RAR file.

Check out Mandrágora Tango’s website for more tango goodness.

Mandrágora Tango Demo