Lorca in a Green Dress
I recently got cast to do the music for a production of “Lorca in a Green Dress,” written by Nilo Cruz, directed by Alberto Justiniano, presented by Pangea World Theater and Teatro del Pueblo. Show opens on April 12th, at the Ritz Theater (345 13th Avenue NE) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 15 shows are scheduled, closing on April 28th.
Its an exciting new project for me, something quite different from what I usually do, and I’m enthused about it. At this point it is a little difficult to gauge how successful the run will be. The script is interesting, somewhat difficult and dense with loads of quotations of Garcia Lorca’s works. It seems the greatest number of quotations are from “Poeta en Nueva York.” By the way, the play is in English, with simple Spanish injected throughout.
I’ll be writing more about this as the production unfolds. For now, I invite reader’s opinions about Federico Garcia Lorca’s life and work. Why is he so popular among English speakers, possibly less so among native Spanish speakers, for one thing?