New Flamenco Singer on the Scene
Minneapolis, Minnesota has a new “cantaora” who is starting to gain some attention. Her name is Rachel Milloy. She is a linguist, singer and dancer. Her pitch and pronunciation are excellent but it is the “voz raja,” or “cracked voice” quality that is so sought after in flamenco that is most notable about her singing. Additionally, she could be considered a “Camaronista”—one celebrating the work of the late genius cantaor Camaron de la Isla.
Minneapolis has been blessed in having Maria Elena, “la Cordobesa,” singing and performing here for 3 decades. She is still wonderful but is a little less active these days. It is exciting to see a young singer able to help carry the torch of “cante flamenco.”
Rachel is performing this weekend, September 27 through 30, at Intermedia Arts (28th and Lyndale South in Minneapolis) in a concert featuring original dance works of Sachiko Nishiushi and Debra Elias Morse. I recommend you go and see the show. Hear Rachel sing and look for her at La Bodega Tapas Bar (Lake and Lyndale) from time to time.