So, I need your help here….
Winter came early to Minneapolis, Minnesota—no preamble, no warning—just here it is.: Take that, loser! I AM NOT DEPRESSED ABOUT IT, OK? I’m just feeling…a little…sensitive, shall we say?
I’m doing some very nice holiday parties, some nice club dates, eating well, nice wine, playing a lot of guitar, life is good—
OK. What I’m trying to say is…I’ve been writing poetry. I call it “Palo” and it’s an attempt to get at the deep stuff that underlies the flamenco forms. Kinda like cross-training. I’m not writing letras, no. I’m trying to write about the way the form—be it solea’ or siguiriyas or whatever—makes me feel and what I’m processing while I play it. Not trying to be New-Agey or Renaissance Man. I’m actually a little embarrassed by the whole thing. Yet, there is a nagging little voice (I am no longer married so it must be my own….) saying, “Go on. Get it out there. You have a blog. USE IT!”
So, give me feed back. I will stop. I will nip it. Or, with your kind consideration, dear reader, I will continue, at least for a while.
And so, in a monumental leap of faith, HERE GOES!