The BOOK is finished and printed! (It’s even available!)
Yes. That’s the big news, I guess. After 2 years, it’s hard to believe but this project has finally come to fruition. I’m really very happy with the way it turned out. I had an insane amount of help from my dear friend, Janice Jahn, who typed, edited, proofed and did a million other things for me. So, for now at least, the book will be available through this website. Eventually, I’ll get it out on e-book and Kindle and Nook etc, but for the moment, only hard copies are available.
Oh yes—-the BOOK is called “Love, Magic and the Guitar.” It consists of 4 books, really. Book One is The Intrepid Guitar. In conjunction with that, I’ve created a YouTube channel of the same name. Thus my new passion/obsession: making videos, trying to create meaningful and compelling content. Also, trying to get views, followers, subscribers, all that.
Book Two is The Book of Strategies and is probably as close to a “manual” as I will get. Strategies for practice and performance, memorization, improvisation, making money in music and so on.
Book Three is Love Magick and the Guitar. Mostly, it is written in 3rd person, about a guy uncannily like me, named Matias. The book is a way to pay homage to and tribute the many great people who have helped me and influenced me in my 5 decade-long career.
Book Four is The Blog Book, Glossary and Graphics. Selected blog entries from these very pages. I started writing my blog in 2007 and, although I haven’t been terribly consistent in keeping it up, it does have items of interest. Then I put just a few musical studies and charts plus a long list of my favorite players.
In all, the book is 214 pages of text. Considerable but not overwhelming. A pretty quick read, really. It has been a remarkable experience for me, an experience that has tied my life together in so many ways. It makes one realize the connectedness of their life and how, truly, “the child is the father to the man.” I think Emerson wrote that, if I remember correctly. It has also helped me understand and solidify “my message.” More about this in subsequent posts.