Scott Mateo Davies has a five decade career of guitar performance, embracing many genres, including flamenco, classical, tango, jazz, and pop. Following twelve years as lead singer/guitarist of the nationally recognized pop group, The Rogues, he relocated to Madrid, Spain and began retraining as a flamenco guitarist. His teachers include Aquilino Jimenez "El Entri," David Serva, and Felipe Maya. Davies currently has a second home, in Madrid, and continues touring and performing flamenco. He has had the fortune of performing with some of the great flamenco artists, including Manolete (Granada), and Cuca de Grana, Jose Barrios, and Chele de Cadiz. He has also recorded three flamenco CDs.
Davies began studying Argentine tango in 2005, spending time in Buenos Aires. He became featured guitarist in various productions of Astor Piazzolla’s opera: Maria de Buenos Aires, both with the Theatre Jeune Lune and the Des Moines Opera. He performed with Mandragora Tango for 8 years, subsequently forming his own tango group, Rogue Tango. He has recorded five tango CDs.
A dozen years with Voices of Sepharad taught him to interpret the traditional music of the Spanish Jews. The group toured all the major markets in the US and performed in Europe. He recorded 2 CDs with them.
Davies studied classical guitar with Albert Bellson. He has continued his studies, in the fields of jazz and Arabic music, leading the popular Algerian Rai band, Rai Action. Rai Action recorded a popular, self-titled, CD.
Teaching has become a major activity for Davies in recent years and many of his students have gone on to professional careers. He is currently editing his book: Love, Magick, and the Flamenco Guitar. It is filled with stories, anecdotes, observations, and advice gleaned from his rich career. He has performed in 13 countries, including China and India. In 2014, he tried his hand at restaurant ownership in Antigua, Guatemala, opening a nightclub called “Angeline.” Although he loved presenting theatrical flamenco shows there, he soon returned to his life of full time music making, and has not looked back since.
Mateo, as he is known, has three children, and two grandsons. He is deeply committed to issues of human rights, equality, empowerment of women, the LGBTQ community, and healthcare for all.